The Freelance Mentalists.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
  small world, smaller country

Und now, L///ve, fr0m ze capital ov EUROPA, Monsieur BOb Le Fl@neur reportage:

This morning, in an attempt to find out how to get a work permit and/or
gainful employment, I was sent on a minor scavenger hunt through various
government offices ("a three-hour tour, a three-hour tour"). My final stop was with a
bureaucrat who happened to mention that her husband is American and a

I asked, and it turns out that the guy is Paul Zahl, drummer for The
Flamin' Groovies and TUXEDOMOON.

Tuxedomoon must have attained the status of local heroes here, because on
quite a few occasions by now I've gone into bars or restaurants and heard their
stuff being played. These places include my favorite lunch joint for street
people (for one euro you can get a usually filling plat du jour; quality is
touch-and-go but hey, that's also true of establishments where a meal costs 15
times as much) as well as my favorite bar, the Walvis

The goof for me is that, back in Berkeley when I was buying up all the
Tuxedomoon I could find (including going to Peter Principle's NYC apartment to buy
solo CDs off him), little did I suspect that I too would decamp from the Bay
Area and eventually end up in Brussels.

btw I didn't ask the woman about Tuxedomoon's recent reunion-cum-tour
because I'll cover that topic on my next visit.

I suppose next I'll encounter a Moroccan confectionary salesman who turns out to be
an ex of Natacha Atlas ;-


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